Monster! 24-hour comic challenge!

24hrcomic calll out website

Open Call-out

The Plymouth Illustration Event 2019 is a collaborative symposium organized by the University of Plymouth and Bloomsbury Publishing featuring talks from a renowned panel of comic book and graphic novel artists and publishers. The speakers will be reflecting on the theme of ‘Monster’ and how ideas relating to this manifest and take shape within their practice. Alongside the artists talks there will be an exhibition of student work, artist led workshops and a group of illustrators working round the clock attempting to master a monstrous 24-hour comic challenge!

The 24-hour comic challenge will pit a group of courageous artists against the clock in a race to finish a full 24-page comic with only 24 hours to do it in! We are currently looking for artists crazy enough to take part.

The challenge will start at 10.00am on Friday 22nd November.

The challenge will pause between 13.00 & 17.00 allowing the participants to attend the PIE symposium (free entry for all participants)

The challenge will resume at 17.00 and continue through the night until 14.00pm on Saturday 23rd November.

What is provided?
A desk to work on.
A light to see by.
Paper to draw on.
Tea, coffee and light refreshments.
Free entry to PIE symposium.
A Microwave & fridge are available for your use.

What is not provided?
Food and drink other than light refreshments.
Please bring your own materials to draw with.

How to apply
If you are interested in taking part please email with a short letter of introduction and a sample of your narrative artwork (or a link to your website/social media). Unfortunately, spaces are limited so we may not be able to accept everyone.

Plymouth Illustration - Updates, graduate showcase, information, exhibition news, resources and the day to day goings on of the BA (Hons) Illustration course at Plymouth University.